Monday, February 25, 2013


"For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith."
1 John 5:4

Faith is a beautiful victory.  It opens up infinite possibilities.  When we put our complete faith in Jesus Christ, we let go of insecurities, unknowns, hopelessness, helplessness, loneliness, and despair. Our faith renews our dreams, restores our hopes, and replenishes our empty souls.  Victories in this world are momentary; victory in Christ is eternal.  

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Prayer of My Heart (inspired by Nehemiah 13)

My heart has been a house of neglect,
a storage place for selfishness;
the rooms have not been filled
with Your equipment
and I have not faithfully done
what is trustworthy
what is responsible.
When evening shadows fell,
I let down my guard
but You, my God, remembered me.
You showed mercy to me according to Your great love.
You turn curses into blessings,
messes into marvelous works.
Purify this heart of mine
that it may be a place for You to dwell-
for Your light to shine again.
Put guards at the gates,
put back your equipment,
and keep me forever in Your favor.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


"For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:13

Strength is getting out of bed in the morning when all you want to do is keep the covers pulled up around you.  Strength is praying blessings for someone who has hurt you.  Strength is praising God in the midst of your heart breaking.  Strength is finding joy even though you are filling with sorrow.  Strength is standing back up every time you've been knocked down.  Strength is receiving grace among your guilt.  Strength is knowing God is good even when nothing in your life seems to be good. 

The source of this kind of strength is Christ.  The key to unlocking this source is seeking Him with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13).  Sincere, still, silent, selfless time spent with the one and only Savior will produce immeasurable strength.  Once acquired, you can do EVERYthing.  Everything. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Desiring God

...My desire is to depart and  be with Christ, for that is far better. 
(Philippians 1:23 ESV)

The more I spend time with God, the more I desire Him.  Satan's whole attack is to lead us away from God because he knows what truth, what freedom, what peace, what joy, what provisions, what hope, and what life we will find in God.  Therefore, Satan does whatever it takes to distract us from "being still," keep us from spending quality time in God's Word, convince us that a quick prayer is just as good as a deep and intimate conversation with our Lord, adapt us in a self-centered lifestyle, and sway us from serving God with our thoughts, words and actions.  

Therefore, if I spend more time getting to know the heart of God, then Satan's deceptive and distracting ways become more apparent and easier for me to turn away from.  Plus, the beauty of God (and what really motivates me to know Him better) is that He continually surprises me.  I never cease to be amazed by God's character.  There is so much to learn and know of our Lord.  He certainly does work in mysterious ways, but more than that, He works in marvelous ways.  Only in heaven will I truly know how marvelous.  In the meantime I will desire to be with Him here and now.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Resisting A Good Thing

Most of the time I fail to remember God has feelings. I forget that when I push and resist God, He feels hurt. I know I feel heartbroken and hurt when someone I love pushes me away or doesn't want me a part of his life even though what I have to offer is good, pure, and without any strings attached. Doesn't God offer the same? And yet, I resist Him.  Why would anyone push away a good thing?

I know when I resist a good thing, it's because I don't think I deserve it.  The truth is, I probably don't deserve any good thing; the lie is, the good thing offered is not about me.  When God is blessing me, for example, He is blessing because it is about His extravagant love.  It is not about whether or not I deserve the blessing.  My resisting is saying, "God you're not good enough because I'm not good enough to accept the good thing."  Um, hello?  How nonsensical is this thinking!?

Jesus' death and resurrection made me (and you) good enough to receive every good thing from God, no matter what.  I am most certainly not good enough on my own.  God, however, is always good.  I need not resist Him and cause unnecessary hurt because He, at all times, accepts me for who I am.  Thanks be to Jesus for making me good enough.

I say to the  Lord , “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” 
(Psalm 16:2 NIV)