If you know anything about who God is, you would know His timing is IMPECCABLE, perfect, spot on. You would also know that not only is His timing perfect, but what He provides at that precise moment is also perfect.
My small group takes a break over the summer months as many of us travel and our schedules are a bit more difficult to match up, so I had been thinking about what Bible study we would do when came back together in August. I had several in mind, but none of them seemed like they were "the one" we all needed to hear. Do you know what I mean? Any of the selections I had thought of would have been great and we would've certainly gotten a lot out of them, but none of them felt like they would hit us in the deep core of our beings, where we needed to be hit with the truth the most. I briefly (and I mean
briefly like a passing thought) prayed about it. Without any effort God directed me to our next study. Don't you love when He does that?!
The best part about being directed to this next Bible study that my small group will be doing is that God provided me with the opportunity to be a part of the launch team in promoting this new Bible study for women! How awesome is that?! Truthfully, when I applied, I did not think I would be selected to be a part of the team. I doubted and came up with every reason why I wouldn't be selected. How often in life do we sabotage ourselves like that? Didn't God Himself pick out people who appeared "Least Likely to Be Used by God" for His great purposes? Remember Saul/Paul? He was killing the very people He later risked His life to save for the kingdom of God. And what about Moses? He was very self-conscious about His leadership skills and speaking abilities, yet God chose Him to speak to and lead millions of people. Why does God do that? So that His glory is shown; so that He is known. The less we are, the more He is.
http://bit.ly/AOGLaunch |
The less we are,
the more He is.
As I write these words, I realize how challenging this--being less--is for me. I have to ask for your forgiveness if any part of this blog glorifies me. My intention is to glorify God. I'm at constant warfare over how to make Him more and me less. I know it involves a daily (even a second-by-second) surrendering of self. This is the battle we all face. This is the war we are in. Which brings me back to the excitement of this new Bible study by Priscilla Shirer that's coming out August 1:
The Armor of God. God has fully equipped us to fight in this ongoing spiritual warfare, and I CANNOT WAIT to find out more about this "equipment" and how to use it in my daily battles! God's faithful provisions are perfect, and His timing impeccable.
Click on this link (see below) to find out more about this Bible study for women and join me in fighting for the cause of Christ!
All of this is for your benefit. And as God’s grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory.
~2 Corinthians 4:15~