"..be content with what you have for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Hebrews 13:5
One truth that hit me straight to the center of my heart was that God never rejects us. Let me say that again, GOD NEVER REJECTS US! I didn't realize until tonight that I've been believing the falsehood that He does. I have felt rejected by God. Why? Oh, because He hasn't answered my prayers or answered them in the way I wanted Him to, because hardships continue to following me like stray dogs, because I don't always get what I want, because the love I give out to others isn't reciprocated or appreciated, because I feel my efforts are in vain and not rewarded, because physical suffering has come upon me and I did nothing to deserve it, because I've felt alone and unwanted, etc., etc., etc.
Can anyone relate? I have had such a long list of disappointments that I've not just been blaming God for them, but I've also been feeling rejected by Him. Why else would I have such a list, right? Wrong.
God never leaves us or forsakes us (Heb.13:5). Never. He sacrificed His own Son--rejected Him!--so that you and I would never be rejected. Why? Because He chose us to be His own. He loves us that much. So, though I may feel rejected because of all my disappointments, God isn't rejecting me, He's loving me. He's loving me enough to allow things in my life to bring me to see my need for Him. He's loving me enough to allow disappointments to bring me to His appointed purpose. He's loving me, not rejecting me. And He's doing the same for you.
Truth is so freeing...I'm free to value the unfailing love of God by being thankful for the failing love of man. I'm free to love deeply at the risk of rejection because even if my love is rejected by man, it is received by God. I'm free to be content with what I have even if what I have is a long list of disappointments. I'm free to fully accept God's love.
I am free.