"I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds."
~Psalm 9:1 ESV
I'm challenging myself for the remainder of this month to be more thoughtful in giving thanks to God. My challenge isn't just to give thanks for His obvious wonderful deeds, which is indeed something I need to work on; rather, my challenge is to give thanks for the less obvious wonderful deeds.
I realize I'm opening a massive door of opportunity for God to test me. A lot of circumstances of ungrateful proportions could be coming my way after stating such a challenge. Here's the thing, though...if I'm not willing to turn an ungrateful thing into a grateful one, then I'm not willing to fully trust God.
I want (and need) to fully trust God because every step I take, I want to take in the right direction. I'm totally willing to be tested and be refined by the fire so that my faith is genuine and so that God receives the glory (see 1 Peter 1:6-7). I pray that you, too, are willing to take this challenge...er...step of faith with me. If anything, wouldn't it be amazing to no longer have anything to be ungrateful for?
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