It doesn't take much to cause us to complain. Slow traffic, stormy weather, delayed flight, burnt toast, long line at Starbucks are all minor nuisances that can cause us to swiftly and easily grumble to the point our whole day seems to be ruined. Grumbling breeds negativity.
I'm Grumbler #1. I've become more of one recently because things haven't been going my way and I think I'm entitled to gripe. Unfortunate key phrases there are "MY way" and "entitled." No wonder I've been grumbling.
I would encourage my students to feel free to put a white bean in for each thing they were genuinely thankful for. There was no limit of how many beans they put in. Likewise, they were told to put in a black bean every time they heard a complaint or they themselves complained. The purpose was to make them more aware of when they grumbled, to be more intentional on giving thanks, and to be more motivated to give more thanks. Interestingly, one hundred percent of the time, the class as a whole would want the thanksgiving jar to be full. I even had to go out and buy more beans one year because of all the thanksgivings!
Every year I put out these jars, it is amazing to experience how quickly the atmosphere changes and how quickly students become aware of what is coming out of their mouths. Likewise, how quickly things would change for me if I gave more thanks. God's way, not "my way," graciously gives me a reason to always be thankful. May we all intentionally praise God and give thanks so that He doesn't have cause to say, "Oh, no! They're grumbling again!"
"Praise the Lord!
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever."
~Psalm 106:1
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