Monday, June 29, 2015

GREAT is our GOD

"For great is The Lord, and greatly to be praised, and he is to be feared above all gods."
~1 Chronicles 16:25

There's nothing like the presence of God in your life to make you realize that everything else you put attention to is really worthless.  But how often do we give attention to God and his greatness?  I know for me,  I sometimes go through a whole day and give attention to everything but God.  I realize I am making idols of other things when I make my life about them and not about Him.  Sadly then, I miss out on the most exciting part about living…the greatness of God.

If you're at all like me, then the question is what we do?  I believe the answer is we do what King David did in 1 Chronicles 15 and 16.  He planned, prepared, placed, and worshipped.

1. Plan.  Have a plan of when and how you're going to take time each day for God.  
2. Prepare.  Prepare for that time with God by praying, gathering the things you need such as a bible, a notebook or journal, pens and pencils, etc.; and  prepare by setting up a place whether inside or outside your home to have that quality time with God.
3. Place.  Place yourself in God's presence during that time by acknowledging who He is, what He has done for you, what He expects of you, and who you are in Him.  
4. Praise.  I believe the more we worship God, the more he wants to show us his greatness.  Therefore, worship Him in that time. Great is our God!  He is worthy of praise!

I know I have to work more at making God the center of my life.  I know that I want my life to be about Him .  I pray that beginning with these four steps, idols will be removed and God will be where He belongs in my heart.  I pray, also, for you.


  1. Very nice, Angelica! "Plan, prepare, place, and worship" is a helpful way to draw near and see the wonderment and glory of our awesome God! Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Pastor! And oops! I meant to change "worship" to "praise" to keep the consistency! ;) So glad you left a comment!
