"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." (James 1:2, 3 NKJV)
Joy in the midst of a trial? That's a bit of an oxymoron, don't you think? Yet, we are told again in 1 Peter chapter 1 to rejoice in our sufferings (verse 6) and again in Romans 5:3. We all know that anytime God repeats Himself, He is making a point.
Because rejoicing in suffering is such a contrast of an emotion to have, it is not easy to do whatsoever. It is a strength builder like lifting weights. The more I lift weights, the more strength I build in my muscles, and eventually I can lift heavier weights. Likewise, the more I rejoice when suffering, the more strength I build in my faith, and eventually it's not so hard to rejoice.
So how do I rejoice when feeling such pain? Start by giving thanks. Think about all the ways in which God is blessing you and focus on those things. Next, start each day new. Leave the weight of yesterday behind. Praise God for a new day and pray for Him to give you a bright outlook on the day as well as to be equipped for whatever the day shall bring. Finally, rejoice by being still. Yep, there it is again. Being still allows God to be at work, and not us. God's power is more present and more perfect in our weakness; therefore, be still and let God work.