The flaws I know I have, I so easily recognize in others. As a teacher, I passionately try to fix those flaws in my students because I know the struggle, the burden, and the beastly side of those flaws. It's funny how so quickly we want to change someone else that has the same identical flaws that we battle within ourselves to change. Like the oxygen masks on an airplane, if we don't first help ourselves, we won't be able to help anyone else. So, how do we do it?
First, identify one flaw. Notice I said one. If you try to take on more than one at a time, you will be defeated before you can conquer any of them. Begin with one. Focus on one opponent a time.
Second, pray. Pray daily for God's help to fight the flaw. Pray for God's strength, for His army, for His guidance to overcome, and for Him to change your heart and your habits.
Third, go against every natural, easy behavior that feeds that flaw. For instance, if your flaw is messiness, then go against throwing clothes on the floor or leaving dirty dishes on the counter. Follow through where clothes go or follow through washing the dishes. Fight that flaw.
Fourth, fill yourself with knowledge. Read Scripture, self-help books, and do Bible studies that all relate to that one flaw. The more you know and understand that flaw, the better equipped you'll be to fight it.
Fifth, find support. Ask friends or family to hold you accountable. People want to feel useful and helpful, and if you give them an opportunity to aid you in bettering yourself, they will take it. We all want to feel like we're making a difference. Don't let the fear of burdening someone to keep you from asking him/her to hold you accountable. Satan does not want you to be better, and he will lie to get what he wants.
We all have flaws we would like to fix. It is possible. You are not alone, and you do not have to fight alone. The God of angels' armies is always on your side.
"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds."
2 Corinthians 10:4