Wednesday, March 4, 2015

WorshipFULLWednesday...Watch the Lamb

I can't go through this Lenten season without thinking of this song and thinking of my mom.  If she was driving my sister and me to piano practice or if she was making dinner and this song came on the radio, she would always grow intensely still and deeply silent.  Then, without fail, a tear or two would roll down her cheek.

My sister and I would be intensely still and deeply silent, too, but for a different reason.  We would be afraid to move or breathe while the song was playing because we didn't want to interrupt what seemed like an intimate moment between two people.  We also didn't fully understand the meaning of the story Ray Boltz sang in this song, even though we knew it was about Jesus' crucifixion.  Of course, as I've grown older, this understanding has all changed.

I've learned more about the Jewish traditions of sacrificing a lamb, about the Passover, about what Jesus truly sacrificed for us, and about what it means to watch Love suffer.  I've learned how personally involved our Savior is in our lives.  Most importantly, I've learned how necessary it is to be intensely still and deeply silent and to watch the Lamb...

"Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us."
~1 Corinthians 5:7c

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